Cigarette Counting System
Computer Vision
Industrial Automation

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Cigarette Counting System

Our innovative cigarette counting system utilizes traditional computer vision techniques and advanced algorithms to accurately count the number of cigarettes in a packet in under 3ms. Unlike traditional contact sensors, which can be prone to inaccuracies when counting cigarettes without filters, our system leverages cutting-edge technologies such as watershed, color segmentation, and masking to recognize and segment cigarettes based on their color, size, and shape. By automating the counting process, our system improves productivity and reduces costs associated with manual labor, helping manufacturers and retailers manage their inventory more efficiently. Our cigarette counting system represents a state-of-the-art solution that utilizes the latest advances in computer vision and algorithms to overcome the challenges of cigarette counting and inventory management.


Feature & Benefits

  • Uses computer vision and advanced algorithms like watershed, color segmentation, and masking to count cigarettes in a packet.
  • Achieves high accuracy in counting cigarettes without filters in under 3ms.
  • Can recognize and segment cigarettes based on their color, size, and shape.
  • Helps manufacturers and retailers manage their inventory more efficiently by automating the counting process.
  • Improves productivity and reduces costs associated with manual labor.
  • Increases accuracy in cigarette counting compared to traditional contact sensors.
  • Enables manufacturers and retailers to manage their inventory more effectively.
  • Can be integrated with other systems and technologies to streamline production and inventory management processes.
  • Represents a state-of-the-art solution that leverages advanced computer vision and algorithms to overcome the challenges of cigarette counting and inventory management.